Automatic Analysis Engine

To have your data analysed automatically, choose which questions you're interested in and click on the button. Your analysis will then start and you will see the symbol rotating while our Automatic Analysis Engine looks at your data, Once the symbol has stopped moving, click on the View Analysis button to see your results. You can click on the at any time to start the analysis again, for example if you have added new data.

For each question, the Automatic Analysis Engine will show you the number of significant relationships is has found in the data.

These are shown in three groups:
  • Significant sample difference shows where there is a significant difference between one sub-sample and another. These sub-samples are defined by the way they have answered other questions;
  • Median Deviation Analysis shows where a sub-sample has differed from the mean for the whole sample by a significant degree;
  • Possible correlations shows where a statistically significant sub- sample has answered a questions in a particular way.

In each group, you will be able to review significant results in turn, by clicking on the "Correlation Group" arrows to move from one result to the next.

You can also choose to go directly to a referenced question by using the drop down to choose which question you want to compare to your results.