The Power of Research in a Changing World
January 28, 2021 12:59 PM

The World is changing. The needs and aspirations of your customers (and potential customers) and your people have changed and they are likely to be different post-pandemic. Now more than ever, it’s vital to understand how they are thinking, and how it will affect your business when the lock downs are over.

Those of us who run businesses have to make frequent decisions on a wide variety of matters. It could be whether we should change our prices, spend more on social media, target different customers, change our product, offer supporting services or change our route to market. Or our decisions may concern our staff – is our pay structure competitive, are our people loyal, are they proud to work for us?

This is getting more difficult as we cannot rely on...

Coping with COVID-19
June 03, 2020 11:02 AM

Survey Mechanics has recently conducted a survey to find out how people are feeling about work during the lockdown, how it's affecting businesses, and whether people are more inclined to support local business during and after the lockdown.

The survey indicates that two thirds of businesses have been affected adversely.

Businesses have adapted to working from home where possible, with varying degrees of productivity. While over 30% of home workers believe they are at least or even more productive, 45%  of business managers believe productivity is down. Two thirds of those working from home miss interaction with colleagues and find working from home more distracting, or have problems with IT and internet...